Best Energy Drinks – My Top Favorites

When it comes to energy drinks lots of questions about how healthy they are comes in mind. Same happened to me….. I personally have gone through a wide research to find answers of those questions. HOW HEALTHY THEY ARE, is the basic question along with many other like their benefits, which one is the healthiest, how to decide which one is best, should we opt for sugar free or low sugar. I hope this article will help you regarding best energy drinks.

Energy drinks are great at what they do because they provide you with an energy boost in a very quick manner. With an immense popularity all around the world energy drinks are becoming the necessity of every age. Huge brands such as Red Bull, Rockstar and Monster are dominating the entire markets but there are a lot of other energy drinks beside these brands. I must add one thing here excess of anything is not good; likewise energy drinks are not all that good for you and should be consumed in moderation. Always choose the drink with low sugar level, sugar free is a good choice. Below I will discuss healthiest energy drinks, which is the most difficult part of choosing a drink.

Red Bull

The most popular energy drink brand in the world, I literally cannot go a day without it! The taste, the energy, and the clear mind I get while drinking redbull is phenomenal! An 8.4 fl.oz can of the sugar-free variety contains 80mg of caffeine and 0g of sugar, which is great for your energy needs.

V- Energy Drink

Produced by Frucor Suntory, V- energy drink was launched in Methven, New Zealand in August 1997. Bloody delicious, sugar free drink will help lifting you up in a heavy work and low mood. Orange flavor is the best one.


If you really need a great energy drink during your workout, go for Celsius. A single can of Celsius packs a huge 200mg of caffeine. It is an ideal pre-work drink with key vitamins. An additional amazing fact about Celsius is that, it is supposed to help you burn at least 100 calories along with giving you an energy boost.

Red Eye

It is Australia’s first and most famous energy drink with a variety of flavors. Most people loved the blue flavor because of its taste. Red one is also liked by many. Give it a try; It will definitely give you a kick.

Energy drinks are often chose by people because of their hassle-free availability. Give you an energy boost with flavor of your own choice. Looking toward the down side of energy drink, if taken in excess can lead to caffeine addiction. Although I have experienced many of these but still my sincere recommendation is the use of natural energy drinks, like water, green tea, coconut water, acai berry etc.

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You'll almost always find Skyler talking about that next trip overseas or where he's eating next! Skyler loves traveling - Exploring new places, meeting new people and learning about other cultures. He's the latest contributor to the RedMass Media (Trippin Around) team after previously working for other popular travel and food blogs. He's from Australia but currently lives in Los Angeles studying environmental science.

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