My Adventure in London

A city having awe-inspiring buildings at the bank of Thames, the world’s costly city to even explore, has always been on my wishlist to travel. Whenever I see the majestic London City in my image, not Big Ben, not the Bridge, the London-eye is what I want to experience. Being an American makes it easier to visit London without even holding a travel visa, but the expenses? I had some savings with me, yet, I knew that the city is costly. I should save for two more years to visit London.

But luckily, I have an aunt living in England. We met last year in San Francisco, and I was the one who took her sight-seeing. She is a good human being, sweet, and fun person to hang-out with.  She asked me to visit England and offered to stay at her home. She knows me pretty well, that I will never miss this chance. Yet, she was so sweet to invite me, and here I am in London.

On receiving me from the airport, my aunt was asking, are you here to visit me or for roaming London?  I smiled broadly and said to roam London. Yeah, you are right. She did hit me well.

My Aunt’s house is in Wembley. I was staying at her home and commuting by Train to London city.

London Eye

By Booking online and traveling by train, I got a free ticket for visiting the London Eye, which was my first favorite attraction in London.  I would say it will be my favorite ride in the whole world. The south side view of the City from the top of the London Eye in a panoramic view is a delight to Eye.

Tower of London

This Tower has a historic background and as old as 1000 years. Both the interior and exterior look of the Tower of London amazes the visitors. Through construction like this, the royal lifestyle of the people lived before 1000 years does reflect.

Walk beside the Thames River

Thames Riverwalk is famous among the London people. I guess it is the longest river walking trail at 184 miles. I guess I walked 10 -12 miles on the trail and saw the Iconic spot of the London – Tower Bridge.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge is amazing to watch. I enjoyed the Tower Bridge by all means like Walking across it, ride in the car, and a boat ride that lets the Tower Bridge open. Glass walkaways and able to see how the Bridge opens through the Steam engine route visits are also a good experience. I enjoyed walking across Tower Bridge in the breeze of the Thames River.

Added to my Tower Bridge visiting experience, I got into a situation that created a tensed moment. While taking a picture of the river view, I accidentally left my camera pouch in the corner and forgot it completely. In the same pouch, I kept my wallet and cell phone. At the moment I realized I left those things, I had left the bridge and ended up at the rear corner. The Bridge timing for pedestrians was over, and it was time to open up for a boat arrival. I requested a fellow traveler for his phone and dialed my number. The phone was not reachable, and I was not sure about the reason. I thought someone might have picked the phone and switched it off. Once the bridge was again open for the pedestrians, I saw a couple (Must be aged around 75 – 80) having my camera pouch in hand and signaling me. I sighed at last and thanked him. He had a good humor sense, and he said that he would have taken the pouch with him if it had a camera in it.

I should blame the wind of the Thames. It made me forget my belongings!

Buckingham Palace

I always wanted to watch the moment of Guard changing in the Queen’s palace.  I have seen videos since childhood. Do you think that am still a child? I saw so many were waiting to watch it just like me. As I visited Buckingham Palace in the summer, I was able to see the palace inside. What a lovely garden? The art collections of the queen were so exquisite.

National Gallery

There are collections of paintings by Da Vinci, Van Goh, Renoir, and many are seen. I saw the Virgin of Rocks painting of Da Vinci and mesmerized by the beauty of the art. We all have seen art in the form of a picture, but it is no match to what we watch in real. The artwork aged more than 500 years, still lively to look at.

I made a trip to London thrice and covered almost all the places in London like Kew Gardens, Outside of Big Ben, Sealife Aquarium, Science Museum, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Transport Museum, and I explored London during night times also.

What about you?

Have you been to London? Where did you go? Let us know in the comments section below or send us a message.

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Matt lives in San Francisco, not far from San Francisco State University. He enjoys traveling both domestically and internationally and enjoys good food and good company. Matt also has an interest in the latest technology - He regularly contributes to popular blogs including State of Stadia.

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