Safe Traveling During Covid-19

I enjoy traveling a lot, spending time in various cities across the countries, which gives me immense energy and pleasure. Due to the global pandemic I have spent months at my temporary home watching my videos of previously visited places. I reviewed my bucket list and added new places to my list. Exploring new places always gives us joy and makes us adventurous. Meeting new people in new cities and sharing each other’s experiences makes us forget our problems and offers space to heal ourselves from negative thoughts. During the lockdown, the time was a little bit hard for me, but yes, we should take care of ourselves from this Covid 19 crisis. When I heard the news that some countries and cities wear allowing visitors to visit the places in this crisis time, I felt happy. Still, we should take care of ourselves by following the Covid 19 guidelines while traveling through different areas. Since the Covid 19 pandemic is not yet over, traveling in this situation has its own set of risks. So I and we should take care of ourselves by following the below tips and safety measures.

Firstly, think about your destination like the city or the country, know about the city’s safety guidelines and visit their websites or any other sources to know more details about the place. The more you know about your destination, the more you will be clear and have less risk if you found an increase in Covid cases in that area or city. You better do not visit that place; later, you can visit the place after the situation is under control. Remember, you should have a safe trip, so you should always keep your essential safety items. While packing your bags, you should not forget your hygiene essentials: face masks, tissues, alcoholic wipes, hand gloves, and sanitizers, which have at least 60% alcohol. It’s better if you have 85+% of alcoholic content. These things became as important as your mobile phones and earbuds. If required, you can also carry a face shield with you.

While you are visiting a particular place, check the accommodation details out there, because we should think of it when we are going to distant places. You should check their safety guidelines and what measures they are taking to ensure the customer’s safety, and if you have an advanced booking option, you can book your room on what day you are visiting. So, no problem may create in your accommodation status. Now, let’s pack our bags and move to our destination. It’s better not to go overseas; instead, you can visit or explore new places in your living city or hometown. Before going to a destination, even if you are confident about your health, it is advisable to take a medical test and take test reports with you in case some cities may ask for your health reports before they allow you into the city. Ensure you are correctly planned your trip before moving.  I am traveling by car to my destination. When you visit any places, be far from the crowded area and stay away from social gatherings, parties as much as you can. Follow social distancing that you at least maintain 3 feet distance from person to person so you can be safe and others too.

Always wear your mask and keep your sanitizer in your pockets. Always apply sanitizer on your hands when you take anything from anyone and for every one hour. Use toothpicks or any disposable items to press the lift buttons or ATM pins. Make sure you use a card instead of cash, so you reduce the risk of transmitting the virus, and if you use cash, make sure you wash your hands. Often clean your mobiles, glasses, and other items you carry with you every time because it can be most likely to be exposed to the virus. Mostly, try to avoid touching your face, nose, and eyes because the virus can spread by touching. Don’t come in contact with any surfaces at any place. If you touch any object or surface accidentally, you use sanitizers or soap to clean your hands. It is better if you can cook your food in the place you visited; if not, select the restaurants that follow the best safety measures and have a clean cooking area. It’s advisable to take out food rather than eating indoors in a hotel. If you have any Covid symptoms like cough, cold, fever, and difficulty in breathing, contact the Covid helpline number or doctor immediately.

I take all the safety measures mentioned above. I hope you guys will follow all the safety measures and tips. I wish you have a safe and excellent trip. After you return to your home town, follow your state or local authorities’ recommendations or safety measures. Try to be in self-isolation for a while. Finally, stay safe and take care of your selves.

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You'll almost always find Skyler talking about that next trip overseas or where he's eating next! Skyler loves traveling - Exploring new places, meeting new people and learning about other cultures. He's the latest contributor to the RedMass Media (Trippin Around) team after previously working for other popular travel and food blogs. He's from Australia but currently lives in Los Angeles studying environmental science.

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