How to Save Money for Travelling?

Everyone wishes to travel all over the world because humans are nomads by nature. The instinct to move to places is deeply rooted in the human gene. Every animal and bird do it, the man starting living in one place only after the civilizations came in. A man at any financial status wishes to roam around the world, and the majority will never try for it, and the dream fades away soon, due to their financial situations. But, employing proper planning and hard work achieving a world tour is a possible dream too.

This article enlists all the ideas from increasing additional income and saving plans that I did (and continue to do) and worked out well for me.

Move to a small rented house and share the space

I spent more of the money on the rent I paid to home, where I spent a minimum of 8 to 10 hours a day. In which 7 hours for sleeping and 1 to 2 hours of watching TV. So, I decided to switch to a tiny place, which has a room with a kitchen and an attached bath. I have a close friend of mine who I find more comfortable to stay with. Even he spends little time in the house. So literally, I live like a college dorm life. This plan helps me to save more bucks compared to a comfortable and big living space.

Cooking instead of eating out

I am a foodie and would love to taste different types of food every day. But, when it comes to saving for my next trip, I start packing my lunch from home. I cook every day or sometimes weekly once I cook and put it in the refrigerator, reheat, and eat every day. This saves a lot of money going out of my pocket to the canteen or fancy restaurants.

Sell some stuff

When I plan for a trip which extends up to 2 to 3 months, I use to sell my car. When I am back, I used to take a bicycle halfway and take public transport to commute to my workplace. I save for another 2 to 3 months and again buy a car for commuting.

Online earnings

When you decide to roam around the world, leaning on a single source of income will never be adequate. By traveling, you gain a lot of experience and lessons, post it in the form of a blog, and YouTube videos during the weekends and post it over the internet to make money.

Earn more through skill sets

Develop a skill or if you have a special skill, like playing the guitar or you are a Math genius. Conduct classes every day to earn more money.

Saving Plans

The above plans let the cash flow in the wallet, which is just not enough. You may have to follow good savings plans also.

Buy less

Always watch out for the expenses you are making. Go for a discounted price T-shirt. Do several reconsiderations before buying things that are not essential. By being a minimalist, you can roam freer.

Travel with Friends

Find people like you, who love to travel and make friends with them. This plan lets you enjoy the trip with good memories along with experience. You can share the money meant for traveling through cars, sharing rent money. You can never rely on a single friend, make more friends, and be wise while choosing one to travel with, to avoid getting mugged in an unknown country. I use to travel with my friends. It is hard, yet give it a try. Check yourself, how far you can go to achieve your dream.

Reduce the cost of spending on other services

I don’t have a TV in my room, buy a trimmer instead of getting haircuts often, I use to cutdown Gym membership and start jogging and do floor exercises.

Cut down drinking and smoking

Stop spending less on the habits that ruining your health. To remain healthy is essential to roam around the world and to lead a fulfilling one life that you have. To achieve that, quit these habits, you can save a lot.

Create a separate account for traveling

A separate account helps to be watchful about the funds. Do not have any credit cards are even debit cards to that account, just apply for an ATM card once you decide to book the travel tickets. Just feed the account in routine and forget it. Check the balance once every month to keep things on track.

On trying to achieve the next trip do not forget about your health. Without having a peaceful and healthy lifestyle, you attract positivity and dream true soon. If you fail to save money on time, you can travel in the following years too. Do not forget to live every day to achieve the dream on time. So live every day and do not stop dreaming about traveling.

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Matt lives in San Francisco, not far from San Francisco State University. He enjoys traveling both domestically and internationally and enjoys good food and good company. Matt also has an interest in the latest technology - He regularly contributes to popular blogs including State of Stadia.

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